Polyurethane Foam Production and Research Development,Wizfoam

Foam Sealant Adhesive: Expansion Ratio and Other Facts

Category:Blogs DATE:June 30, 2024

Expansion Ratio:

A key benefit of foam sealant adhesive is its versatility in terms of expansion. High-quality options allow you to choose the expansion ratio (e.g., 40x, 55x, 100x, 160x) to perfectly match your project requirements. This flexibility ensures you get the most value from the product.

Choosing a Reputable Supplier:

To access this range of expansion ratios and potentially benefit from customized solutions, collaborating with a reputable foam sealant adhesive supplier is recommended. Companies like Cosmoll (mentioned previously) specialize in foam adhesive research and offer solutions for diverse applications across industries like new energy, aerospace, and more.

Application and Curing:

1. Temperature: For optimal results, use foam sealant adhesive in environments between 15°C and 35°C (59°F and 95°F).

2. Minimal Shrinkage and Eco-Friendly: The curing process involves minimal shrinkage and releases minimal environmental pollutants, making it a safe choice.

3. Temperature Resistance: Once fully cured, the adhesive can withstand temperatures ranging from -40°C to 120°C (-40°F to 248°F). It can even handle temporary fluctuations outside this range.

4. Curing Time: The curing process is relatively quick:

- Expansion begins within 5-10 seconds.

- Thread drawing occurs within 10-15 seconds.

- Surface curing takes 25-30 seconds.

- Complete curing happens within 60-180 seconds (2-3 minutes).

- The final cured state is a glossy, elastic layer.

Color of Foam Sealant Adhesive:

Similar to other adhesives, different types of foam sealant adhesive have varying inherent colors and properties. This specific type is a two-component system:

- Component A: Dark brown liquid (before mixing)

- Component B: Light brown liquid (before mixing)

- Mixed Color: White or slightly yellowish elastic material (after mixing)

It's important to note that color changes during use are normal and don't indicate spoilage.