Polyurethane Foam Production and Research Development,Wizfoam

Foam Sealant vs. Cement Mortar: Choosing the Right Window Gap Filler

Category:Blogs DATE:June 30, 2024

When installing windows, selecting the right material to fill gaps is crucial. Here's a breakdown of two common options: cement mortar and foam sealant.

Foam Sealant


- Fast Curing: Saves time compared to mortar that requires drying.

- Excellent Fit: Expands to perfectly fill gaps, reducing drafts and improving insulation (especially beneficial in colder climates).

- Crack Resistance: Less prone to cracking compared to mortar.

- Easy to Use: Generally simpler application compared to mortar.


- Higher Cost: Typically more expensive than cement mortar.

- Limited Support: May require additional reinforcement (like wooden wedges) for larger gaps.

Cement Mortar


- Lower Cost: A more budget-friendly option compared to foam sealant.

- Strong Support: Provides good structural support for windows.


- Slower Curing: Requires drying time, extending the installation process.

- Prone to Cracking: Can develop cracks over time, potentially affecting aesthetics and seal.

- Corrosive on Aluminum: May corrode aluminum window frames if not properly protected during installation.

- Sealing Performance: Sealing effectiveness may be slightly lower than foam sealant.

Additional Considerations:

- Climate: In colder regions, foam sealant's superior insulation is more valuable.

- Gap Size: For larger gaps, additional reinforcement might be needed with either option.

- Window Frame Material: Cement mortar is generally safe for wooden window frames, while foam sealant is preferred for aluminum frames to avoid corrosion concerns.

The Choice is Yours!

By considering these factors and your specific needs, you can choose the best material to fill your window gaps and ensure a secure, well-sealed installation.