Polyurethane Foam Production and Research Development,Wizfoam

Foam Sealant vs. Foam Adhesive: Understanding the Differences

Category:Blogs DATE:June 30, 2024

While both foam sealant and foam adhesive involve expanding foam, they have distinct characteristics and applications.

The Science Behind the Foam:

- Foam Sealant: Expands rapidly due to a chemical reaction between its components and moisture (either in the air or on the surfaces it contacts). This is similar to what you see in videos on your foam sealant website.

- Foam Adhesive: High surface activity allows it to quickly trap air bubbles, which then combine to form foam. This surface activity is critical for foam adhesive to function.

Compositional Breakdown:

- Foam Sealant: Primarily composed of polyurethane and other additives, resulting in a sticky, adhesive foam with sealing properties.

- Foam Adhesive: Contains various stabilizing components to maintain its structure. The process of bubble formation also differs from foam sealant.


- Foam Sealant: Widely used in construction for sealing leaks, filling gaps, securing structures, and providing sound and thermal insulation.

- Foam Adhesive: Plays a crucial role in the production of partition walls and firewalls by effectively bonding components, impacting the overall quality of these structures.

In simpler terms, foam sealant excels at filling and sealing, while foam adhesive prioritizes bonding and structure.  Understanding these differences ensures you choose the right product for your project.